Thursday, September 4, 2008

something to do

Everybody has a blog these days....I got the time....Why not? So, it seems I'm sick. The doctors don't know what I have. They think its an auto-immune disease called Sarcoidosis, but they're not sure. Why?....because not everything fits into their "one-size-fits-all" box. They think I have Sarcoidosis, but they can't tell me why the drugs I'm being given aren't working like they should. Seems my symptoms won't go away. Some have gotten better, but not gone. Oh, yeah, not only that, but I have symptoms that don't fit the Sarcoid-sized box. It seems I have a tumor in my head that doesn't look, act, or respond like a Sarcoid tumor. The neuro-surgeon at OHSU thinks it may be lymphoma....HHMMMMMM! Too bad it took a week for anybody to tell me! I'm getting a little pissy about the lack of a sense of urgency by the docs to do anything. They seem to want my illness to fall into one "box", and if it doesn't fall where they want it to, they just let the rest of the facts fall to the way-side. Seems like they don't want to be the point of forcing me to be miserable untill I get mad at them and tell them to do their job...then they have the nerve to act offended!...Jeezzzz!!!!I'm sorry your a dumbass, doc, but I'm tired of feeling this way and want you to do your job, or send me to someone who will! Okay, enough bitching!

I got to go to the river (Siletz) and sit on a rock and fish! Best day in a long time! Wiped me out, but worth it! So many fish! must have seen 20-30 steelhead...easy. Water was very low (2.7ft) and warm, so didn't catch any...had a couple of bites. Went with BC....Thought he had one for sure...saw him bite and roll...BC set the hook, but missed! Crap! We really wanted to come home with a fish....Oh, time. Saw a Chinook in the "Point". Seems early, but I can believe it. Had a great day listening to the river and breathing the air. Best medicine in the world! Had a great time with BC....great guy! Really proud of him!

Okay, thats it for now. My first blog. who, hoo! Seems anti-climatic....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Great to see you here Derrick! Thanks for the comment on my blog. We were actually catching Merlins that were being rehabilitated. They had come to the center early in the summer and were raised up from young birds. Now they are big enough to be released into the wild. The trick is, you have to catch five healthy birds who are flying around an enclosed area. Its a challenge for sure!

I can understand your frustration with the doctors. It seems too often the case they they want to treat symptoms without getting to the root of the problem. I don't know much about alternative medicines (like some of the eastern medical practices seem kinda cool), but it might be worth looking into in addition to the run around the doctors are giving you.

I really enjoyed meeting you while I was there, and I really wished it would have been longer. The entire family was so much fun! ^_^ Please keep in touch! I hope to see you all as soon as I can!
