Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New News

Well, here I am again. Blog, blog, blog, blog, blog!
What's new? Well, I am officially sick and tired of being sick and tired! The doctors say the tumor in my head is really not causing any serious set-backs....other than the head-aches. It seems the tumor (Pinky as I've named it) would cause more problems by being removed than it would to just leave it alone. It doesn't seem to be messing with my hormones as originally thought, so I guess it's "don't fix it if it aint broke"! I'll just have to live with the head-aches for now. They will want to monitor it a couple of times a year to make sure it doesn't get any worse. The bottom line is....I have a nasty case of Sarcoidosis, I take nasty drugs to make it better, and those two things just make me feel sick all the time....Live with it! OK I will! Now what? Don't know. If I can get back some energy, I should be able to do something as far as work goes, but I doubt if I can be a route salesman anymore. It's just to much physical labor for my body. I think I could do something more "white collar", but I don't have much experience in that line of work.
OK, what else? My wife and kids decided that I needed a dog to keep me company while I'm at home alone all day. So......I got a dog. She's an English Springer Spaniel. Two months old today. Her name is Grace. She is a bundle of energy, and seems to think that the world is her chew toy. She loves to be around people....to the point of driving us crazy at times. Like all babies it's eat, sleep, pee/poop, and play. She's fun! Charlotte and Alexa even like her....They aren't much of dog lovers.
Anyway, thats it for now.
Hasta Le Winabego (French for "leave the snails in the garden")